Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Give blood before the Townhall meeting

Tomorrow, June 27, you can give blood at the fire station between 3 and 7 PM. If you time it right yo can make it to the TownHall meeting at 7 PM. Here is the latest from the Forestville Planning Association about the meeting:

TOWN MEETING - WED JUNE 27, 7-8:30 pm
                  Oddfellows Hall
              Corner of 116 and Covey Road
+Update on possible acquisition of Downtown Park Land *
+Update on Mirabel Road/Hwy 116 Roundabout
+Update on Forestville Community Fund Awards

*There is a lot of excitement about Forestville possibly getting a downtown square/park (the old Thiessen development).  In past Town Meetings our desire for such an area has been clear.  This Town Meeting will bring us up to date on the current process towards acquiring the land, and ask, what are your ideas and opinions?  How large a park do we want—all 8 acres or a smaller Town Square portion?  What are creative ways in which the park might be used (e.g. playing field/Youth Park expansion, Town Square , open space)?  How will it be maintained?  If we are given a matching grant by the Sonoma County Open Space District, how might we generate the other half?  Who might be the generous and visionary Angels who could bequeath this incredible legacy to the Town?  Let’s come together and imagine this unique opportunity!

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